Apple’s Latest iPad Mini and iPad 11: Delayed Release Expected by Year’s End

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Samsung Overtakes Apple as Top Smartphone Seller: What’s Behind the Shift?

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Apple Watch Series 4 Might Not Support watchOS 11: What You Need to Know

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Apple Unveils Stunning Images of its New Spectacular Apple Store in Shanghai

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“Instagram Integrates WhatsApp’s Best Features in Latest Update”

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Samsung Overtakes Apple as Top Smartphone Seller: What’s Behind the Shift?

Introduction In the competitive world of smartphone sales, the rivalry between Apple and Samsung has been a focal point for industry analysts and tech enthusiasts alike. In 2023, Apple made

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This fast-paced computer thriller from HBO Max reflects on c while keeping you glued to your seat.

A little more than a year ago, a movie, 'Kimi', arrived almost on the sly at HBO Max, which is

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Neither megapixels nor RAM. The current war in cell phones is in the nits of the screen.

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Sony offers entertainment and fun with new line of televisions

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Cheap version of Apple Vision Pro will not be so cheap

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Apps to calculate your carbon footprint and reduce it from iPhone

The carbon footprint, a term that has become important in our contemporary vocabulary, refers to the total amount of greenhouse

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Amazon begins one-hour drone delivery of medicines in Texas

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Microsoft accused of damaging The Guardian’s reputation with AI-generated survey

The Guardian accused Microsoft of damaging its journalistic reputation with a survey generated by artificial intelligence. The technology company placed

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